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We will get through this.

We will get through this.

I hope this note finds you healthy and hopeful.

We nonprofit professionals are going through a lot. It's a challenging time as we face complex and high-stake questions about how to protect our teams, serve our constituents and withstand the potential impact on our organization's long-term survival.

We will get through this. If any sector can rise to the challenge to help in the time of greatest need, it's the nonprofit sector. If any workforce can overcome decreased support and increased demand to make a difference, it's the nonprofit workforce. We have been responding to crisis and addressing inequity in creative and resourceful ways for centuries. We are the leaders in filling the gap, being the voice and making change.

Strengthen connections. Even though we are socially distant during this time, we must remember that we truly are better together. There is often talk about the importance of collaboration in our sector. I can't think of a better time to demonstrate that than now. Protecting the most vulnerable will take support from the whole community. Our partnerships are more important than ever before.

Find perspective. This level of stress is unprecedented, as we work to keep ourselves safe and navigate weighty organizational decisions. As Maya Angelou said, "difficulty is a far cry from impossible. The distance between these two lies hope. Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Invite one to stay." Ultimately time will move forward and at some point we will return to a sense of normalcy, even if it's not quite the same. In the meantime, keep everything in perspective and take care of yourself and those around you.

Nonprofit Connect is here for you. Our team is working to create resources like Coronavirus: Resources for Nonprofits list, foster connection through our new Kansas City Nonprofits: COVID-19 Response Facebook Group, and provide access to online learning through our webinars and eLearning Center. We are also available to support your organization remotely by phone and email. In addition, Nonprofit Connect is collecting information on how local organizations are being impacted to learn what resources are needed most. Please help us by completing our survey: How is COVID-19 Affecting Kansas City Nonprofits?

Each day brings new challenges. Remember the reason we were drawn to do this work is to make a difference, even in the face of opposition.

Thank you for your vigilance and dedication. Take a deep breath, be safe and share the kindness.

Luann Feehan
President & CEO
Nonprofit Connect

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