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K-State Extension, Johnson County Volunteer Leadership and Development Agent
Extension agents are professional educators, community connectors and innovators who serve as a link between Kansas State University and communities across Kansas. Agents are jointly responsible to the director of K-State Research and Extension (represented by a designated administrator) and the local extension board. This is a newly created position and a fantastic opportunity to establish new programming and build initiatives to serve the residents of Johnson County.
- Collaborate with other Johnson County Extension agents and staff to support program-specific volunteer cadres, including the county’s Extension Master Gardeners, Extension Master Naturalists, Extension Master Food Volunteers, 4-H Youth Development volunteers, and more, which cumulatively involve more than 1,100 active volunteers. Support will include but is not limited to providing guidance and assistance for: volunteer engagement through the ISOTURE (Identify, Select, Orient, Train, Utilize, Recognize, and Evaluate) Model; volunteer-program policies, needs assessments, and risk management; volunteer-development curriculum planning; and volunteer database management.
- Lead the development, implementation, and evaluation of research-based educational programming to support and develop engaged volunteers and community leaders. Programming may include but is not limited to: providing leadership and personal development training for adult learners; strengthening individual, group and organizational capacity to address and resolve community issues; facilitating partnerships and coalitions to take action for public well-being; and promoting civic engagement through community ownership of issues and volunteerism.
- Additional information can be found here: Johnson County Volunteer Leadership and Development Extension Agent - Olathe, Kansas, United States
Job Type: Full Time