Fund development is the lifeblood of nonprofits, yet many organizations struggle with creating a diverse and sustainable funding model. With the constantly changing landscape and resource challenges ranging from urgent program needs, limited staff, and shifts in "best practices," it can be difficult to find the time to write a development plan, craft a compelling support case, cultivate relationships with donors, write effective grant proposals, and solicit both annual and major gift support.
The Fund Development Institute (FDI) is a five week, virtual institute that builds basic fund development skills, introduces advanced techniques, and works with nonprofit leaders and development staff to focus time on the essential work of fundraising. The curriculum includes:
Creating Your Development Plan: Charting your course of success with timelines and specifics.
Prospecting and Cultivating Donor Relations: Understanding your donors and developing a strategy to grow their giving over time.
Building Intentional Communication: Messages and marketing that raise money and keep donors engaged for the long haul.
Learning how to Make the Ask: Practical ways to make the case for support and lay the foundation for success moving ahead.
Giving Gratitude: Stewardship that works through building a culture of appreciation.
... Plus a few tips, tricks and tools of the trade that will make your life easier!
Each session includes instruction, discussion, and practical application to your own organization. This institute is designed so that participants walk away with skills and approaches that can be integrated into your current strategies and implemented immediately.
Who should attend?
Fundraisers, Fund Developers, Advancement Professionals and Executive Directors -- anyone tasked with generating resources for their organizations.
The Institute consists of five virtual sessions :
Thursday, August 15th | 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Thursday, August 22nd | 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Thursday, August 29th | 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Thursday, September 5th |9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Thursday, September 12th | 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Sessions will be held virtually via Zoom
Attendance is limited to 25 participants who commit to attending all sessions in full.
Participants must be a paid employee of a Nonprofit Connect member organization with 501(c) status. (Not yet a member? Click here.)
Open to those tasked with generating resources for their organizations.
Participants must commit to attending all sessions.
Full participation in this training is pre-approved for 15 points in Category 1.B - Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and or recertification.
Cancellation/Program Policies:
No refunds will be processed after July 25, 2024. No shows will be billed. Full payment of the program fee must be received by July 28th in order to reserve your place. Nonprofit Connect may take photographs or videos at public events, so we ask that you read our Privacy Policy for more information.
So that we can serve you better, we want to understand who is in the room. You will be asked two demographics questions as you register for this event. We will never share your individual information, and we will only report on demographics in aggregate. Any questions or comments? Contact us at
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Your desk! Click here to register for Fund Development Institute (FDI) | Summer 2024
Members Only
$450 - Members
Not yet a member? Learn more.
Luann Feehan
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