Charlotte Street Foundation
Arts, Culture, HumanitiesBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Gallery hours vary, please check www.charlottestreet.org
Driving Directions:
Charlotte Street Foundation Offices: 1000 W 25th St, KCMO 64108
la Esquina Gallery: 1000 W 25th St, KCMO 64108 (the aqua building)
Paragraph & Project Space: 21-23 E 12th St, KCMO 64105
About Us
Charlotte Street Foundation was established by those who saw the arts as a valuable creative, social and economic resource to the city.
Artists needed supportive entities to encourage, nurture and “go to bat” for them to help them gain opportunities for continuing professional development, public exposure and a voice in the public arena. Charlotte Street Foundation was created to do exactly that.
In our vision, Kansas City is an artist-friendly, artist-supporting city where artists are cultivated, respected, and admired by leaders in the business, political, philanthropic, and civic communities, as well as by a significant segment of the general public. The resulting support leads artists to participate more fully in our community and attracts artists from other cities and the region. In this vision, Kansas City is a place where artists of every discipline collaborate and spark not only their own creativity, but the creativity of their audiences.
* To this end, we:
* Provide annual cash awards to artists
* Provide free studios and performance and exhibition spaces to theater, dance, music, film/video and visual artists
* Coordinate public exposure to these exhibitions and performances
* Provide educational and professional development opportunities for young, emerging, and mid-career artists of all disciplines
* Advocate and plan on behalf of Kansas City artists and the arts community with philanthropic, business and civic leaders
* Engage national philanthropic and cultural leaders with Kansas City artists and the arts community.
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