Volunteers Needed at the Folly Theater
Make Friends. Give Back. Love The Arts.
Since the Folly reopened in 1981, the Grand Lady of Twelfth Street has relied on dedicated volunteers to give their time and keep her shining. Today the Folly hosts over 100 performances a year and the demand for volunteers, both in the theater and the office, is higher than ever. If you wish to share in the common love of music, our history, or just desire to give back to the community in a historically relevant way, we invite you to join our team!

The benefits of being a Folly Volunteer include:

  • The opportunity to see a wide genre of world-class entertainment

  • A monthly calendar with news of upcoming events and activities

  • Special pre-sale offers and discounted tickets to Folly presented events

  • Recognition programs including an annual party, awards, monthly prizes, and other social activities

  • Free parking in the garage next door during performances

  • The personal satisfaction and positive feeling of knowing you are helping to preserve a Kansas City treasure for generations to come

  • Training session to learn various historical ins and outs of the theater, usher protocol, and safety measures

Contact Information
phone: (816) 474-4444
Offer Valid: January 3, 2025December 31, 2025
Black Repertory Theatre of Kansas City
A theatre designed to impact the Kansas City community by telling stories of the Black experience.
The Black Repertory Theatre of Kansas City is seeking dynamic, action-oriented Board and Advisory Board Members that have a passion for theatre!   

Our board members champion the importance of exceptional board leadership and believe that a strong and effective board is needed to fully realize its potential for good. In addition to the standard roles and responsibilities of a board member, our board members are active advocates and ambassadors and are fully engaged in identifying and securing the financial resources and partnerships necessary to advance our mission.  

In order to represent the community at the highest level possible, we are seeking individuals to join us that have the following background/experience:
  • Fundraising
  • Marketing
  • Volunteer Recruitment & Management
  • Technology
  • Theatre Operations
  • Concession Management
Board Members serve two-year terms and meet once per month.  It is estimated the total time commitment is 7-10 hours per month.

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We know that to achieve our goals, fulfill our mission, and realize our vision, we need to include individuals with perspectives drawn from a wide range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, skill sets, areas of expertise, and lived experiences to help us avoid decision-making that could diminish the impact of our work.

We are publicly recruiting for board positions to ensure that we move beyond our immediate networks and honor our ongoing commitment to creating a board that is diverse in its composition, inclusive in its culture, and equity-focused in its approach to how it views its mission, its work, and the community we serve.

Contact Information
phone: (816) 832-1269
website: http://brtkc.org
Offer Valid: September 18, 2024April 1, 2025
Museum Monitor
Help support the Rabbit hOle by facilitating fantastic experiences for our visitors as a museum gallery monitor! Museum monitors ensure a safe environment for all guests by enforcing Rabbit hOle rules and policies. Other opportunities to support special events and programming are available for museum monitors that complete a minimum number of service hours. 
Contact Information
Volunteer at The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures
Storytellers and Museum-Goers Join Us!

VOLUNTEERING AT T/M - contact Rachel Wathen, Museum Educator/Volunteers and Group Tours

Are you a storyteller with a passion for art and history who, more importantly, loves sharing that passion with others? Then come volunteer at The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures! Volunteers are vital community partners who support T/m’s mission to educate, inspire, and delight.

All volunteers enjoy special benefits such as 20% off in the museum store, special invites to exhibit openings and volunteer appreciation events, first-hand museum experience, and a connection to a vibrant volunteer community.


  • T/m volunteers communicate primarily with the Museum Educator/Volunteers and Group Tours
  • Volunteer Opportunities Include:
    • Leading Guided Tours (Docents)
    • Staffing and Prepping Educational Programs
    • Providing Educational "Pop-Up" Programs in the Galleries
    • Assisting with Development/Marketing


  • Pass a background check
  • Training on T/m's history and collection
  • Commitment to one shift every three months


Contact Information
Offer Valid: January 2, 2025January 2, 2026
American Cancer Society Kansas City Board Membership
Our mission is to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer.

Minimum Expectations

It is expected all Chairman’s Circle members:
  1. Attend and participate in scheduled meetings. (minimum of 3 out of 4 annually)
  2. Active engagement on one of the Chairman’s Circle subcommittees.
  3. Support the actions of the Chairman’s Circle as one.
  4. Connect to local community volunteers.
  5. Leverage contacts and relationships to grow the society’s revenue and advance its mission.
  6. Be current with ACS cancer screening guidelines that are appropriate to each individual (colorectal cancer, breast cancer, nontobacco user, etc.)
  7. Members, either individually or through their business, will make an annual minimum membership donation of $5,000.00. Become a member of American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS-CAN). Minimum annual cost is $10.00 renewed annually.

Specific Duties:

  1. Understand and advocate the mission and objectives of the organization.
  2. Support, individually and collectively, ACS decisions and enterprise policies.
  3. Identify opportunities and resources to advance the Society’s mission.
  4. Set annual membership goals and evaluate progress on a regular basis.
  5. Personally support and/or otherwise engage in one of ACS’s annual events.
  6. Actively support American Cancer Society community events, committees and/or projects.
Contact Information
phone: (816) 842-7111
Offer Valid: January 1, 2025December 31, 2027
Board Member for the Northland Symphony Orchestra- Fundraising Committee
Help support the arts in Kansas City!
The Northland Symphony Orchestra is looking for interested ones to join our board of directors. 

 Our organization includes a professional/student/community symphony orchestra that perform five concerts per season, as well as three youth ensembles - The Northland Youth Orchestra, Northland Youth Sinfonia, and Northland Youth Saxophone Ensemble - that perform three concerts per season. We play a wide variety of quality classic symphonic literature for every music-lover. Our concerts are informal, family friendly and always without charge.

 Our mission is threefold:

  • Accessibility- We've always prided ourselves for providing quality musical performances without charge to those who otherwise might not have the opportunity or resources to enjoy the works of great composers.
  • Opportunity- We provide student and community musicians with the opportunity to maintain their skills and broaden their musical horizons by performing quality orchestral music with seasoned musicians.

  • Education- We’re committed to providing performance opportunities for young choral and instrumental musicians, instilling an appreciation of the arts’ importance within our diverse community.

 Responsibilities of a fundraising committee board member include:
  • Working with the committee to plan and implement 2-4 fundraisers per season
  • Advancing the mission of NSOA
  • Attending board meetings, concerts, and fundraisers
  • Participating in the planning and execution of NSOA events
  • Acting as an ambassador of the organization to the public

Those interested in joining the board of directors should contact Karianne Waterland at kwaterland@northlandsymphony.org. 
Contact Information
phone: (816) 945-2436
Offer Valid: February 5, 2025June 30, 2025
Board Member for the Northland Symphony Orchestra- Grants Committee
Help support the arts in Kansas City!
The Northland Symphony Orchestra is looking for interested ones to join our board of directors. 

 Our organization includes a professional/student/community symphony orchestra that perform five concerts per season, as well as three youth ensembles - The Northland Youth Orchestra, Northland Youth Sinfonia, and Northland Youth Saxophone Ensemble - that perform three concerts per season. We play a wide variety of quality classic symphonic literature for every music-lover. Our concerts are informal, family friendly and always without charge.

Our mission is threefold:

  • Accessibility- We've always prided ourselves for providing quality musical performances without charge to those who otherwise might not have the opportunity or resources to enjoy the works of great composers.
  • Opportunity- We provide student and community musicians with the opportunity to maintain their skills and broaden their musical horizons by performing quality orchestral music with seasoned musicians.

  • Education- We’re committed to providing performance opportunities for young choral and instrumental musicians, instilling an appreciation of the arts’ importance within our diverse community.

 Responsibilities of a grant committee board member include:
  • Working with the committee to complete grant applications and research new grants
  • Advancing the mission of NSOA
  • Attending board meetings, concerts, and fundraisers
  • Participating in the planning and execution of NSOA events
  • Acting as an ambassador of the organization to the public
Contact Information
phone: (816) 945-2436
Offer Valid: February 5, 2025June 30, 2025
Camps For Kids Seeks Board Members
Focus your energy and commitment on helping kids in need go to camp!
Camps For Kids is a 44-year-old nonprofit with a mission to ensure that Kansas City kids have the opportunity to experience the joy and benefits of summer camp regardless of disability or income. Camps For Kids partners with 22 camps throughout the area to assist them with fundraising and, through our Match CAMPaign, double their efforts. We are looking for someone with a passion for kids and camp to join our Board. We are seeking Board members willing to roll up their sleeves and pitch in on events and fundraising. Creativity and experience with various social media platforms would be a plus. While previous board experience is appreciated, enthusiasm, energy, and commitment are desired most of all. We have 10 meetings a year (roughly the 4th Monday evening of the month), and two annual fundraisers (June/November). Board members also have the privilege of visiting a camp or 2 over the summer to see firsthand the amazing experience enjoyed by campers with the support of Camps For Kids.  
Contact Information
phone: (816) 301-4375
Offer Valid: March 3, 2025December 31, 2025
Kansas City Roller Warriors
modern roller derby
The Kansas City Roller Warriors (KCRW) is seeking interested individuals for open seats on our

Board of Directors. KCRW is a flat-track roller derby league that was founded in 2004 and is

one of the founding members of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). We are

a 501(c)(3) nonprofit sports organization that is committed to developing its players, coaches,

referees, and volunteers to excel at the sport of roller derby while inspiring them to be leaders

who provide safe, empowering, inclusive opportunities for our community. More information on

KCRW is available at https://www.kcrollerwarriors.org/.

Board members are responsible for attending regularly scheduled meetings, providing

organizational governance and support for our league leadership, participating on board

committees, staying informed on organizational activities, and working in good faith with board

members and league members to achieve our goals. Our board needs a variety of skills and

experience, with a particular emphasis in the areas of legal, financial, real estate, and

interpersonal expertise.

Collectively, the board embraces a culture of inquiry, values transparency, accountability, and

safety, and recognizes the importance of owning mistakes and celebrating hard work. These

values are the foundation for our interactions with board members, league members,

volunteers, and the communities we seek to serve. Additionally, board members must have a

demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, with preferred experience in

fostering cultural change to support an organization that seeks to be anti-racist, trans-inclusive,

and encouraging of the interpersonal growth of our board, league members, and volunteers.

The Board Recruitment Committee is accepting inquiries. If interested, please fill out our Board

of Directors Interest Form, available at https://forms.gle/LEaMooUmGUMUGz6o6. Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our current Board Chair at boardchair@kcrollerwarriors.org.

Best wishes,

The KCRW Board Recruitment Committee
Offer Valid: March 1, 2025December 31, 2025
Northland Symphony Orchestra Association Board of Directors- Marketing Committee
Marketing Committee
The Northland Symphony Orchestra is looking for interested ones to join our board of directors. 

 Our organization includes a professional/student/community symphony orchestra that perform five concerts per season, as well as three youth ensembles - The Northland Youth Orchestra, Northland Youth Sinfonia, and Northland Youth Saxophone Ensemble - that perform three concerts per season. We play a wide variety of quality classic symphonic literature for every music-lover. Our concerts are informal, family friendly and always without charge.

 Our mission is threefold:

  • Accessibility- We've always prided ourselves for providing quality musical performances without charge to those who otherwise might not have the opportunity or resources to enjoy the works of great composers.
  • Opportunity- We provide student and community musicians with the opportunity to maintain their skills and broaden their musical horizons by performing quality orchestral music with seasoned musicians.

  • Education- We’re committed to providing performance opportunities for young choral and instrumental musicians, instilling an appreciation of the arts’ importance within our diverse community.

 Responsibilities of a fundraising committee board member include:
  • Working with the committee to plan and implement marketing plan for concerts, events, and sponsorships 
  • Graphic design experience a plus
  • Advancing the mission of NSOA
  • Attending board meetings, concerts, and fundraisers
  • Participating in the planning and execution of NSOA events
  • Acting as an ambassador of the organization to the public
Contact Information
phone: (816) 945-2436
Offer Valid: February 5, 2025June 30, 2025
Northland Symphony Orchestra Association Events Chair
Events Chair
The Northland Symphony Orchestra Association would like to add a new role of events chair to our board of directors. Our mission is to provide free, quality orchestra performances to the community. In order to help with this, we have a very active fundraiser calendar. The events chair would work with our fundraising committee to organize our events. 
Contact Information
phone: (816) 945-2436
Offer Valid: February 5, 2025June 30, 2025
Reach-Out and Read Kansas City
Spreading a Prescription to Read Aloud as a Family

Reach Out and Read’s local and national network of clinicians delivers vital information about the importance of reading at routine pediatric checkups and advocates for a prescription to read aloud at home. This means we have unmatched access to families during the years from birth to age three—a period of critical brain development. 

Our local chapter, Reach out and Read Kansas City ("RORKC") is looking for community members who are interested in supporting our mission to join our advisory board ("Board"). 


Mission Statement: Strengthen all families with young children through guidance from medical clinicians about nurturing relationships through shared reading.



We are looking for someone with expertise in:

  • Finance/accounting

  • Fundraising

  • Public Speaking

  • Healthcare or pediatricians

  • Leadership Development


Desired industry affiliations or community connections:

  • Diverse businesses/charities/chambers supporting literacy

  • Public accounting/financial Services

  • Healthcare



What is the designated term for board service?

Minimum three year term with maximum of two terms


How often does the board meet?

Bi-monthly on the second Friday of the month, from 11:30a-1:00pm at the Reach Out and Read office located at 2100 W. 36th Ave., Kansas City, KS 66103. Members are asked to attend these meeting on a regular basis and send advance notification for an excused absence.  


What personal or financial contribution is expected of each board member?

Some form of personal monetary contribution is expected with no minimum (or maximum). We want board members to want to give at a level that is meaningful to them, while making a board position accessible to all part of our community.


Any additional board expectations:

  • Advocacy: Actively champion and advocate for a call to action related to early literacy and kindergarten readiness causes. This includes but is not limited to sharing Reach Out and Read Kansas City’s message and news about programs and events through personal and professional networks as appropriate.

  • Committee and event participation: Members are asked to actively participate in at least one standing committee and to support the annual fundraising luncheon through the purchase of a ticket and/or their attendance.

  • Ambassador responsibilities: Attend and/or volunteer at least one third-party sponsored meeting or event as an “official” representative of Reach Out and Read Kansas City.

Contact Information
phone: (913) 588-2793
Offer Valid: January 1, 2025January 1, 2026
April 10th - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/admin/event/index/4ea5074a-46f0-47e0-b262-9fd80b6b75f7 for the JA BizTown event on April 10th.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (913) 689-5462
Offer Valid: April 10, 2025April 10, 2025
April 17th - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/vv2/event/a3c34c33-86c2-451a-a906-34e5dbdb46b0 for the JA BizTown event on April 17th.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (913) 689-5462
Offer Valid: April 17, 2025April 17, 2025
April 1st - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/vv2/event/3772fcb3-cb2c-4d26-849a-deb32900170e for the JA BizTown event on April 1st.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-3558
Offer Valid: April 1, 2025April 1, 2025
April 23rd - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/admin/event/index/d1b5805d-7495-4b2b-a971-1249d9c35e38 for the JA BizTown event on April 23rd.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (913) 689-5462
Offer Valid: April 23, 2025April 23, 2025
April 2nd - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/admin/event/index/1fb059a2-b838-49d0-ad09-23a2ac23a4fe for the JA BizTown event on April 2nd.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (913) 689-5462
Offer Valid: April 2, 2025April 2, 2025
April 30th - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/admin/event/index/e72a0c0c-5a34-4f20-afe9-b514cdd4e292 for the JA BizTown event on April 30th.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (913) 689-5462
Offer Valid: April 30, 2025April 30, 2025
April 3rd - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/vv2/event/9408c9d0-25c5-457b-bc40-c2ad312d290d​for the JA BizTown event on April 3rd.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (913) 689-5462
Offer Valid: April 3, 2025April 3, 2025
Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown!
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to sign up for any JA BizTown date.

If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at 

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-3558
Offer Valid: January 23, 2025June 30, 2025
Kansas City Invention Convention - Judges Needed!
Are you passionate about supporting STEM initiatives for Kanas City youth? Foster the next generation of inventors by volunteering as a judge at Kanas City Invention Convention on April 10, 2025! As a KCIC judge, you'll ask questions, assess projects using a rubric, and provide positive feedback to students. Judges scores help us identify our outstanding young local inventors who go on to represent Kansas City at the Invention Convention Nationals!
Register to be a judge today at: 
Have more questions? Email us at invent@lindahall.org
Contact Information
phone: (816) 363-4600
Offer Valid: April 10, 2025April 10, 2025
KC DiversAbility College & Career Fair

KC DiversAbility College & Career Fair

This event, spanning across the metropolitan area, offers a unique opportunity for young people with disabilities to engage with college and job-training admission counselors, create a resume, partake in job interviews, or summer internship discussions, explore adult services, and submit an initial intake form for state and local services.

Join us as a volunteer at the KC DiversAbility College and Career Fair, where you’ll play a vital role in creating an inclusive and impactful experience by assisting attendees, supporting vendors, and helping young people with disabilities connect with life-changing opportunities in education, employment, and services!

Register: https://fsmtxziw6j6.typeform.com/25-volunteers?typeform-source=thetransitionacademy.org

Contact Information
Offer Valid: April 4, 2025April 4, 2025
March 17th - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/admin/event/index/73fcc46f-bcaf-4e49-9c3f-c33db34de1d9 for the JA BizTown event on March 10th.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (913) 689-5462
Offer Valid: March 17, 2025March 17, 2025
March 28th - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/admin/event/index/7944c8f1-f23d-4ad4-88cd-4575cb13f528 for the JA BizTown event on March 28th.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (913) 689-5462
Offer Valid: March 28, 2025March 28, 2025
March 28th - Help Students Run a City for the Day - Junior Achievement BizTown
Help educate students on financial literacy, work and career readiness and entrepreneurial mindset through a real-world simulation.

Remember Exchange City? Come check out JA BizTown presented by CommunityAmerica Credit Union, which is a similar program. It is a program where 4th-6th grade students spend a day running a simulated city. This popular program allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage various businesses, write checks, and vote for a mayor. 
Volunteers will staff each business and assist students during the day while getting guidance from JA Staff. Training will occur that morning before the students arrive. No additional knowledge or training is necessary. 
This is a new program that takes place in our beautiful new Youth Learning Lab in Kansas City presented by the Mallouk Family Foundation. Come see the site and help students run an economy. There will be between 60-120 students at a time. Volunteers will work with between 4-10 students. 

Sign up today at https://jagkc.volunteerhub.com/vv2/event/7944c8f1-f23d-4ad4-88cd-4575cb13f528 for the JA BizTown event on March 28th.  

Go to http://jagkc.volunteerhub.com to see other dates.  If you'd like to bring a group, please contact Sara Swearingen at sswearingen@jagkc.org. 

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-3558
Offer Valid: March 28, 2025March 28, 2025
NICE - iBuild Showcase
Building Careers. Building Communities.

The iBuild Showcase is an annual exposition, inviting metro area students to actively connect with construction and business-related trades, contractors, architects and engineering firms. While at iBuild, students and teachers participate in hands-on activities such as: Nail-driving contest, Bricklaying, Computer-aided drafting, Heavy equipment.

Many volunteers are needed for this event and we truly appreciate your time and effort to work with our young people through the iBuild Showcase. We need volunteers who are willing to act as judges for Institute for Shaping the Built Environment, Superintendents to monitor exhibitor stations, Bus volunteers to assist with loading and unloading activities, and volunteers to assist with miscellaneous efforts.

Judges orientation will begin at 7:30 a.m. and the judging of Institute for Shaping the Built Environment projects begins immediately thereafter.

Superintendents will be assigned to exhibit spaces across the event and will support exhibitors with student issues and monitor overall student safety.

Bus Greeters will meet the busses and guide the teachers and students to the registration table.

Contact Information
phone: (816) 710-6640
Offer Valid: April 8, 2025April 8, 2025
Fundraising Walk Coordinator
Join us in making a difference in the lives of those affected by mental illness!
Job Summary:
We are seeking a highly organized and detail-oriented individual to join our team as the Coordinator of our Annual Walk, which takes place on 10/18/2025. In this role, you will be responsible for all aspects of the 5K family friendly Walk, whose basic structure, guidelines and timeline have been established by NAMI National. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, strong organizational abilities, and a positive attitude. They will work closely with the NAMIWalks Greater Kansas City Walk Manager.
- Explore opportunities for large and small donations (Sponsorships will be secured by Walk Manager/Executive Director)
- Manager Team Captains
- Manage Donor Drive
- Solicit Walk Teams and donations
- Coordinate participation in NAMI National training meetings via Zoom with Walk Manager.
- Must be responsible, on time, and possess a neat appearance
- Provide exceptional interaction with visitors, Sponsors, Donors, Walkers, Board of Directors, and staff.

- Strong organizational skills with the ability to prioritize tasks effectively
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills
- Proficient in telephone etiquette
- Ability to type accurately and efficiently
- Experience working in a mental health environment a plus
- Proficient in calendar management software and Google Sheets, and Zoom
- Attention to detail and ability to maintain confidentiality
- Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independently

We offer a positive work environment. If you are a motivated individual, seeking a challenging opportunity to make a difference in a not-for-profit agency, and have excellent organizational skills, we would love to hear from you.
Pay: Volunteer (possibility of small stipend upon the completion of assignment)
Schedule: Flexible
Experience: Nonprofit or Corporate Event planning preferred
Ability to Commute: Greater Kansas City area
Work Location: Virtual with occasional In-Person
Contact Information
Offer Valid: March 1, 2025April 1, 2025
Reading Coaches
Hut, Hut, HIKE! Become a Reading Coach Today!

Volunteers are at the core of how we serve kids in Phoenix Family's after-school program (HIKE).

Our greatest need for volunteers is for folks to help kids increase their literacy skills. You don't need to be an expert teacher. You do need a deep belief in the kids we serve and an eagerness to learn together.

Volunteers will work one-on-one with kids in grades K-8 who are struggling with reading. We'll provide all the training and support you need. We prepare the lesson plan and activities; you come and build confidence, encourage, and have fun!

Shifts are available Monday-Thursday from 4:30-5:15 PM and/or 5:15-6:00 PM.

Steps to volunteering:

  1. Complete your volunteer application. It only takes a couple of minutes!
  2. Attend an orientation. Our orientation will cover all the information you need to get started. Once you complete your application, our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to schedule an orientation.
  3. Complete a background screening. We'll send you the information after the orientation.
  4. Sign up for shifts! We can't wait to see you in our programs soon! Start browsing the calendar here to get a preview now: https://sforce.co/3CiWLxn.

That's it! We look forward to meeting you! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at rcanales@phoenixfamily.org.

Contact Information
phone: (816) 797-0120
Offer Valid: January 23, 2025May 22, 2025
Spirit Gala Committee - Cornerstones of Care
Join in planning an unforgettable evening that benefits youth and families!
The Cornerstones of Care Special Events Team is seeking passionate individuals to join the Spirit Gala Committee!

Cornerstones of Care is a behavioral and mental health nonprofit dedicated to partnering with children and families to build safe and healthy communities. For over 150 years, our passionate team members have been creating safe healing spaces for those impacted by trauma in Kansas, Missouri, and beyond.

Since 1982, the Cornerstones of Care Spirit Gala has celebrated Kansas City's philanthropic spirit and Cornerstones of Care's significant impact. To date, 310 Spirit Award Honorees have been recognized, and over $10 million has been raised to support programs that keep children safe and families together. 

Through the strategic partnership of the Spirit Gala Committee, members will help drive the visibility, engagement, and impact of this year's Spirit Gala on Friday, November 7, 2025.

Spirit Gala Committee members have the option of focusing on one or more of the following areas:

  • Table Hosts: Help us grow our community.

  • Sponsors: Identify new Spirit Gala Sponsors.

  • Experiences: Assist with securing auction items, selecting food and beverages, and more.

  • Ambience: Assist with selecting decor, lighting, and entertainment.

To learn more about the opportunities and expectations for members of the Cornerstones of Care Spirit Gala Committee, please email Caitlin at Caitlin.Strecker@cornerstonesofcare.org.
Contact Information
phone: (816) 508-3500
website: Visit Website
Offer Valid: February 17, 2025July 31, 2025
2025 Green Team Workdays
Looking for volunteers
Volunteer with RDA and join the Green Team Workdays. We are meeting every last Saturday of the month starting March 29 to October 25. We'll be picking up litter, caring for fruit trees and removing honeysuckle. Come join us!
Contact Information
phone: (913) 677-5097
Offer Valid: January 28, 2025October 25, 2025

Come Be a Friend with CDD

CDD needs volunteers to participate in its new "Be-Friending" program. This is an ongoing program that connects adult individuals living in CDD's residential program with "friends" in the KC community. CDD will match volunteers with individuals based on interests and personality. Volunteers will meet with their matched individual once a month to hang out. You can play video games, watch movies, cook/eat meals, go to an art exhibit - whatever you and your match like to do! Volunteers will also reach out once a month to connect with their match via phone call, letter, or text/email conversation.

CDD requires at least a 6-month commitment for the Be-Friending program. Matches are typically 1:1, but we can pair some small groups. Volunteers will need to attend a 1-hour orientation and training. This is to prepare you for your experience as a Be-Friender, and to help us with matchmaking. Please reach out to Zandt Durham - zandtd@cddkc.org - if you would like to participate in the Be-Friending program. 

Contact Information
phone: (816) 531-0045
Offer Valid: July 1, 2024July 1, 2025
Clothing Closet Shopper
Description: Volunteers are needed to assist clients in locating needed clothing from the True Light clothing closet. The clothing closet is open Monday - Thursday from 10 am to 3pm, and Fridays 10am-12pm.
Personal shoppers will help in locating client preferences and sizes for clothing.

If you like shopping, style, and helping others find clothing that fits and they feel confident in, please reach out!


Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Computer Lab/ Client Support

Description: Computer support is needed at True Light’s on-site computer lab. This opportunity will provide direct assistance to True Light clients by teaching skills such as but not limited to: word, excel, internet, job searching, apartment searching, printing, and other basic computer skills. The computer lab has 3 computers so this volunteer could be assisting up to 3 clients at a time for a 2 hour shift.


Training: No formal training required. Volunteers must demonstrate strong understanding and ability to teach computer skills.

Age Requirement: 18 yrs. or older

Screening: Individual Volunteer Application, Interview Screening

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Computer Troubleshooter

Description: Individuals are needed to support True Light staff with IT needs and technical troubleshooting, including microsoft suite, network issues, software troubleshooting and best practices. Support is needed in real time and will be solicited via phone call or screen sharing. Anticipated time needed is 1-2 hours per month. This individual will need to spend initial time in the office understanding the organization's platforms and processes prior to offering IT support.


If you have a flexible schedule and a passion for troubleshooting and knowledge sharing, please reach out to learn more!


Training: No formal training required. Volunteers must demonstrate strong understanding and ability to learn technical platforms and processes.

Age Requirement: 18 yrs. or older

Screening: Individual Volunteer Application, Interview Screening

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Create A Meal To Feed The Homeless

Description: Looking to help feed the hungry? If you have fresh meats, produce and a recipe you can help serve our homeless women and children for a day.

All you would have to do is

  • Bring the donated ingredients True Light Family Resource Center
  • Spend one hour teaching one of our certified food handlers how to prepare the meal you provided.
  • Enjoy interacting with the women and children you've just provided a meal to.
  • Feel great the rest of the month for your kindness and generosity!

You can also purchase food from restaurants and food establishments that can make the meal and can schedule delivery. Please reach out to schedule your delivery! 

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Donation Sorter

Description: Volunteers are needed to sort through community donations for the True Light clothing closet. Sorting these donations makes it easier for clients and our personal shopping volunteers to connect clients with the clothing items they need. Flexible hours for this role weekdays between 10 am and 3 pm Monday - Thursday. 2 hour shifts are preferred.


If you like organizing and turning clutter to clean, this is the role for you! Please reach out to learn more.

Training: No formal training required.

Age Requirement: 16 yrs. or older or accompanied by an adult

Screening: Individual Volunteer Application, Interview Screening
Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Drivers and Driver Assistants
Pick up Donations all around the metro!
Flourish is looking for a few folks with flexible weekday schedules to help us get donations picked up. Most shifts are only 1-4 hours and offer flexibility. Help transform lives by driving or assisting our drivers in picking up home furnishings and essentials for families right here in Kansas City. NO CDL required for driver or driver's assistant position. Annual DOT physical required, paid for by Flourish.

Flourish is a furniture bank located in Grandview, Missouri, that serves both sides of the Kansas City Metro by collecting, refurbishing, and distributing home furnishings and essentials to families who are overcoming housing insecurity. 
Contact Information
Offer Valid: July 31, 2024July 31, 2025
Flourish needs help on the Dock!
Help load outgoing and accept incoming donations for families in need in Kansas City
Help! We need more people to help us turn houses into cozy, comfortable homes. By loading furniture on to moving trucks and accepting incoming donations, you will be changing the lives of those in your community that are overcoming housing instability. Moderate to heavy lifting required.

Opportunities available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8:30am-12:30pm.

Please visit our website www.FlourishFurnitureBank.org to learn more about our organization and how we help families flourish!

Contact Allison@FlourishFurnitureBank.org with any questions or to sign up today!
Contact Information
Offer Valid: July 2, 2024July 1, 2025
Front Desk Help
Help our families Flourish!

How would you like to be one of the first smiling faces our guests see when they walk through our doors? We need help greeting and checking in guests along with other administrative front desk duties, including answering phones, emails, and sorting paperwork. This is a great volunteer opportunity for someone who wants to interact directly with our guests in a fun, fast paced environment.

Telephone, computer, and multitasking skills required. 
Choose your shift! Hours are 8am-12:30/1pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 

Flourish is the only furniture bank in the Kansas City area. We serve families who are overcoming housing insecurity and provide them with a whole home's worth of furniture and essentials for their new homes. 

Contact Information
Offer Valid: July 30, 2024July 31, 2025
Long Term Volunteers Needed
It's more than volunteering. It's making a child's voice heard.
A Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) is a trained community volunteer, sworn in by a judge or commissioner, who is appointed by Jackson County CASA to advocate for a child or children who are in the Jackson County Family Court system due to abuse or neglect.

CASA Volunteers get to know the children they represent, learn and understand the circumstances of the case, develop a course of action with the attorney who serves as Guardian ad Litem, explain the court’s findings to the child, facilitate resolution and monitor progress.

  • You must be a minimum of 21 years of age.
  • You must have a valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle.
  • You cannot be convicted of – or have charges pending for – crimes that are violent, sexual, or that demonstrate character not appropriate for a CASA Volunteer.
  • You must have an interest in children and their rights.
  • You must be willing to devote the time to successfully complete screening and training, to learn and develop trust with the child or children on your case, to advocate for the child’s best interests, and to participate in continuing education (approximately 5-10 hours per month after Pre-Service Training)
  • You must possess the communication skills to work effectively with children, their families, and involved agencies and organizations.
  • We provide training and support to Volunteers of any race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, faith, and socioeconomic background. 
  • Volunteers must complete 30 hours of volunteer training; 18 hours in-house and 12 hours of independent study.
  • Volunteers must complete at least 12 hours of continuing education per year.
  • Volunteers must maintain confidential records and information for the child’s case.
  • Volunteers must maintain regular contact with Jackson County CASA.
Specific Duties and Responsibilities
  • Volunteers must review documents and conduct interviews with the child, family and other interested parties.
  • Volunteers must maintain regular contact with the social service worker assigned to the child and family.
  • Volunteers must investigate placement alternatives.
  • Volunteers can attend court proceedings and related meetings or communicate with CASA staff if schedule does not allow.
  • Volunteers must consult once a month with Jackson County CASA staff to report, plan, prepare, and receive evaluation and feedback.
  • Volunteers must complete monthly updates.
If interested, please complete the application here or email ahuggans@casakc.org for more information.
Contact Information
phone: (816) 984-8232
Offer Valid: July 23, 2024December 31, 2025
Meal Planner

Description: True Light Family Resource Center provided one meal at our day shelter for women and children. We would want our families to eat a balanced meal that includes all the necessary food groups.

If you are a Nutritionist that is willing to share your knowledge with our kitchen staff we are looking to improve the meals we serve. Lunch is served 11:00-12:00pm. M-F


Training: No formal training required.

Age Requirement: 16 yrs. or older or accompanied by an adult

Screening: Individual Volunteer Application, Interview Screening

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Now Welcoming Community Reviewers to the Metro's Largest Neighborhood Grant Fund
community; grant; review
The Neighborhoods Rising Fund is a funding collaborative that annually provides one-year grants of up to $7,500, as well as two-year grants of up to $15,000 in split payments per year for high-impact, innovative community projects and neighborhood revitalization initiatives. Efforts help build stronger, more effective neighborhood organizations and community groups and benefit low- to moderate-income areas throughout the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Projects and initiatives should be documented as created by the community, which means vetted through inclusive, neighborhood-wide decision-making and resident-involvement processes. To date, selected projects and initiatives have ranged from public safety and cleanup initiatives to property and public space improvements, as well as identity-building and resource-sharing events.

Community Capital Fund is seeking Community Reviewers to provide feedback on submitted NRF applications. Community Reviewers are an important part of the process as they help CCF identify needs and projects trend sin the Metro Area. This is a 5-hour commitment over a two week period in April.

Interested? Please email info@ccfkansascity.org
Contact Information
phone: (816) 502-9854
Offer Valid: March 10, 2025April 1, 2025
Receptionist Part Time

Description: True Light Family Resource Center serves approximately 10 individuals and families seeking community support each day. We are in need of volunteers to work at our reception desk between 10 am and 3 pm on Monday - Thursday and 10 am - 12 pm on Fridays. Volunteer shifts will be bi-weekly or as needed. Duties of the reception desk include: answering and directing phone calls, and identifying client needs and directing clients to available resources.

If you are organized, enjoy interacting with people, and have a flexible schedule, please reach out to learn more!


Training: Training is not needed prior to volunteering. Orientation will be provided.

Age Requirement: 16 yrs. or older

Screening: Individual Volunteer Application, Interview Screening

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Showroom Host/Stocker
Help families in need shop for home essentials!
Flourish: A Furniture Bank is a non-profit organization that collects donations of furniture and home essentials to provide to families overcoming housing instability. As a Showroom Host, you will assist families through the showroom and help them pick out all of the furnishings they need for their new home. While not serving guests, you will help stock the showroom floor with items such as linens, decor, kitchen wares, and more. 

Showroom hosts will be provided with training that occurs both in person and online, with a certification process to become a certified Showroom Host. 

Showroom Host/Stocker Hours are 8:30am-12:30pm, with shifts available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Contact Information
Offer Valid: December 11, 2024December 14, 2025
Support Women in Kansas City
We seek to help women raise their self-esteem and achieve economic independence through sustained employment. Through a strong community of support we have been able to ensure the independence and success of women in Kansas City (at no cost to them) for over 35 years.

Mock Interviewer
Conduct mock interviews with WEN clients.

Resume Writing and Review
Work with WEN clients face-to-face or remotely to help create or strengthen their resumes

Guest Presenter / Workshop Facilitator
Share an area of expertise relevant to WEN clients who are entrepreneurs or that will benefit them in the workplace.

Please complete the volunteer form online now to find out how you can connect.
Contact Information
phone: (816) 822-8083
Offer Valid: March 12, 2025June 30, 2025
Teach A Class/ Share Your Knowledge

Description: We are looking for volunteers to teach classes (money management / budgeting, gardening, flower arranging, painting, cooking, etc.) to the women of the True Light day shelter. Class participation typically ranges from 3 - 10 women. True Light will share class information to clients so anyone interested can attend and learn about the selected topic. Availability to teach classes is Monday - Friday from 12:30 - 2:00 pm and needs to be scheduled three weeks prior to the class date.


If you or your group are interested in sharing your knowledge with the women of True Light day shelter, please reach out! We would love to learn from you.


Training: No formal training required.

Age Requirement: 16 yrs. or older

Screening: Individual Volunteer Application or Group Application, Interview Screening

Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Team of 2 to Deliver Groceries to Senior Apartments
Team of 2 to pick up groceries once a month on Thursday mornings at Westbrooke Church at 9777 Antioch Rd and deliver to 3 low-income apartment buildings in the midtown area. One vehicle is needed for volunteer opportunity.
Contact Information
phone: (816) 561-1700
Urgent Call for Northland MLM Food Pantry Volunteers!
Assist Clients of the MLM Food Pantry, Sort & Stock New Donations
We're excited to announce new partnerships that will bring in a surge of fresh produce and essential items to help families in need.
But we need your help to make it happen!
We urgently require volunteers to assist clients in the Northland Metro Lutheran Ministry food pantry to shop with dignity and choice, and to help unpack and shelve these new donations. Your support will help provide desperately needed access to fresh produce and healthy food and keep good food from going to waste.

Location: MLM Northland Food Pantry, 1100 NE Vivion Rd., KCMO 64118
Times: Monday through Friday, 9:30am-12:30pm, and 12:30pm to 3:30pm

Volunteers should have a passion for helping those in need, and be willing to sign a confidentiality statement. Some lifting and bending may be required, depending on the task assigned. 

Contact Information
phone: (816) 285-3136
Offer Begins: March 12, 2025
Volunteer with Cultivate KC
Growing food, farms, and community ... together!
We need your help! Volunteering with Cultivate KC is perfect for folks interested in growing food, urban agriculture, and sustainability. It’s a great way to meet like-minded friends and support farmers and your local food system. 

Cultivate KC offers a range of volunteer activities from working in the field, staffing events, helping area farmers, and more. We welcome individual volunteers as well as family, church, corporate, and school groups of all sizes. There’s something for everyone.
We hold weekly workdays at area farms, including our own, through our Mobile Volunteer Program (MVP). We also hold several public education and fundraising events that we can’t pull off without lots of helping hands.

Visit cultivatekc.org/volunteer to view opportunities. We hope to see you SOON!
Contact Information
phone: (913) 831-2444
Offer Valid: February 1, 2025October 4, 2025
Life Unlimited's Adopt-A-Home Program
Adopt A Home Today!

Life Unlimited Inc.’s mission is to support people with developmental disabilities as they experience life with unlimited possibilities. They provide day services, community living and support options, employment services, recreation programs, and applied behavior analysis services.

Life Unlimited creates safe and affordable housing for disabled individuals and it takes a village to continue those property care efforts. Their houses stretch across the metro and need assistance with external care, general upkeep, and maintenance. Make a difference with Life Unlimited and Adopt-A-Home today.

Contact Information
phone: (816) 200-7134
Offer Valid: May 2, 2024August 5, 2024
Hospital Hill Run benefitting Children's Mercy Kansas City
Come celebrate the 52nd running of “The Kansas City Running Tradition!”
Join us at Crown Center on May 31 and be part of this iconic Kansas City tradition that promotes health, fitness, and community spirit. Whether you're cheering on participants at an aid station, assisting runners at the finish line, or directing traffic as a course monitor, your time and effort will be truly appreciated. Join Kansas City’s vibrant running community in making this year's Hospital Hill Run an unforgettable day while connecting with fellow volunteers and celebrating the heart of Kansas City!  Click here for Volunteer Registration smiley
Contact Information
Offer Valid: February 20, 2025May 29, 2025
Group Volunteer Opportunities: Support or Design-A-Drive

At CASA of Johnson & Wyandotte Counties, in-kind donations are crucial to providing children and families with the resources they need to thrive. One of the ways you and your group can help is by supporting or organizing a donation drive to support CASA’s mission.

CASA’s annual drives include:

·       Pinwheels for a Purpose (April)

·       Back-to-Basics (June-August)

·       Holiday Activities (October-December)

·       Gift Card Collection (Year-round)

Alternatively, you can design your own drive to focus on addressing the needs of children in our care. Examples of drives you can organize include:

·       Pajama Drive – providing new, cozy pajamas for children.

·       Book Drive – promoting literacy by collecting books for children.

·       Stuffed Animal Drive – offering comfort through stuffed toys.

Your involvement in any of these drives helps CASA continue its vital work and ensures children have the tools to succeed and build resilience. To learn more about our Group Volunteer Opportunities, contact Development DirectorEsther Jost-Mengarelli, at ejost@casajwc.com today.

Contact Information
phone: (913) 715-4040
Offer Valid: February 19, 2025December 31, 2025
Individual Volunteer Opportunity: Become an Advocate at CASA of Johnson & Wyandotte Counties

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) are appointed by the judges in each county to advocate for the best interests of a child in foster care. CASAs meet with the child or children on a regular basis, consult with professionals, including the foster care workers, attorneys, and schools, as well as gather information from family members and foster placements. CASAs spend an average of 10-12 hours per month on their assigned case.

To become an Advocate:

·       Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age

·       Complete an application, interview, and background screening

·       Commit to at least one year of service

·       Complete the 30-hour Pre-Service Training requirement over the course of five weeks

For more details about CASA’s Pre-Service Training or to learn how to become a CASA advocate, please reach out to our Training & Volunteer DirectorJamie Sink, at jsink@casajwc.com. You can also fill out our Volunteer Inquiry Form by visiting www.casajwc.org/get-involved today.

Contact Information
phone: (913) 715-4040
Offer Valid: February 19, 2025December 31, 2025
Nonprofit Connect