The Arts & Recreation Foundation of Overland Park
Arts, Culture, HumanitiesBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member
About Us
The Foundation is a 24-year old nonprofit fundraising organization and works to achieve its mission by cooperating and coordinating with the City of Overland Park to foster, promote, and develop aspects of the Parks Services and Recreation Services departments of the city, primarily Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead, the Overland Park Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, and public art. To learn more about The Arts & Recreation Foundation of Overland Park and its Friends membership groups (Friends of the Farmstead, Friends of the Arboretum, and Friends of Overland Park Arts), visit www.artsandrec-op.org.
The Foundation's mission is to provide and promote art, recreation, nature, education, and culture that build community and enhance quality of life.