United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, The
Religion-RelatedBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member
Buildings are open Mon-Fri 8-5 and for multiple worship servies Sunday 7:30-6:30
About Us
Welcome to the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection. We hope you’ll take a minute to explore all the ministries and opportunities we offer and plan to visit one of our campuses in Leawood, Olathe, Downtown Kansas City, Blue Springs or Overland Park this weekend or join us for worship online.
In 1990 Resurrection was a small, upstart church with a big dream of becoming a church that welcomes thinking people who were not actively involved in a church. We have been on an amazing journey with thousands of people finding greater hope, purpose and meaning in their lives here. And, they’ve found that a church like this can quickly become a great place for personal connections and relationships that will last a lifetime.
The life of our church is guided by three statements:
Our Purpose is to build a Christian community where non-religious and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed Christians.
Our Vision is to be used by God to change lives, strengthen churches, and transform the world.
Our Journey is to know, love and serve God.
Come dream with us as we continue our journey of knowing, loving and serving God in the greater Kansas City community and the world.