Village Shalom, Inc.
HealthcareBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member
- 5500 West 123rd Street Overland Park KS 66209
- (913) 317-2600
- (913) 266-8480
- Send Email
- www.VillageShalom.org
About Us
Village Shalom is an award-winning nonprofit Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) located in Overland Park, KS. Our mission is to nurture the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being of every individual whom we are privileged to serve, inspired by our heritage as a Jewish-sponsored community. As an organization whose goal is to be diverse, where all faiths and backgrounds feel supported, VS’s current Jewish to non-Jewish resident mix is 50% - 50% and our staff hail from 16 different countries.