Braden's Hope for Childhood Cancer
HealthcareBoard of DirectorsGrantmakingNonprofit Member
Driving Directions:
The address provided is mail only, we have no building location and all work remotely.
About Us
Braden's Hope For Childhood Cancer is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to raise awareness and funds for research grants to shut down the activators of childhood cancers. To date, we have funded over $3.1 million for these research studies. All of our grants are funded locally in Kansas City through Children's Mercy Hospital in conjunction with KU Cancer Center and the Stowers Institute in the amount of $1,000,000. Our grants are then monitored by our Research Review Board who insures accountability for results and finances.
- We have funded over $3.1 million in just eight years
- Our mission is to raise awareness and funds to shut down the activators of childhood cancers
- Childhood cancers are overlooked and underfunded and this is why we exist.
- Our boards insure acceptability and compliance while creating the strategic plan for our work