Heartland Men's Chorus
Amusement & EntertainmentArts, Culture, HumanitiesBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member
About Us
Heartland Men’s Chorus Kansas City’s mission is to build community, celebrate pride, and empower authenticity. The members of HMCKC have joined together for the purpose of making music as a not-for-profit, volunteer chorus of LBGTQ+ and allies who are making a positive cultural contribution through musical excellence.
The Chorus regularly performs with more than 125 singers and presents a three-concert season at the historic Folly Theater.
HMCKC performs a varied repertoire of music, including jazz, Broadway, popular and classical works. In recent years, the Chorus has become known for its “choral theater” format which uses music, narration, and multi-media to illustrate social issues.
The Chorus has performed nationally and internationally but places particular importance on performing in smaller communities throughout the Heartland where our voices most desperately need to be heard.
Heartland Men’s Chorus Kansas City is a proud member of GALA Choruses, the international association of the lesbian and gay choral movement. Founded in 1982, GALA Choruses represents 190 choruses, their 10,000 singers, and 750,000 patrons in Australia, Europe, South America, and North America.
Heartland Men’s Chorus is registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Please consider donating to support our music and mission.

Rep/Contact Info
Dudley Hogue
Executive Director
- Phone: (816) 931-3338
- Cell Phone: (816) 519-2314
- Send an Email
- PO Box 32374 Kansas City MO 64171