Platte Land Trust
Environment/AnimalsBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member
Charlotte Sawyers Nature Area, 6075 NW Union Chapel Road, Parkville, MO. Dialy, sunrise - sunset
About Us
The Platte Land Trust is an all-volunteer organization with a mission of protecting land and natural resources for wildlife, farming, forests, historical importance, and parks and trails for the benefit of communities.
Achieving the mission
? Protect open spaces, agriculture land and natural resources vital to our community with conservation easements or acquisition.
? Advocate for a balance of open space and development for quality communities.
? Promote the use of native plants in our yards and landscapes to support wildlife.
? Encourage people to spend time outdoors – at natural areas, gardens, and parks and recreation areas.
? Inform people on the economic, health, and quality of life benefits of conservation.
? Partner with others to achieve land conservation and recreation goals.
- Partner with voluntary landowners
- Protect 820 acres in western MO and eastern KS
- Land protection is climate action
- Protecting habitat for wildlife, natural resources and a more sustainable future.