Letter from the Board President
It was my great honor in January to begin a term as President of the Board of Directors of Nonprofit Connect. My career in human services includes 33 years as an executive director, many of those years served at United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Kansas City. I left that post in 2013 to form an executive coaching and consulting firm to support the many missions we find in Kansas City. After relying on Nonprofit Connect for many years in my professional life, I was elected to the board in 2011 and have watched, and hopefully helped with, the amazing growth we have experienced in four years.
The board of Nonprofit Connect is an esteemed group of seventeen accomplished people representing several distinct nonprofit areas, our for-profit sector, community funders and higher education. The board feels a calling to function as a best-practice board, representing the sector and our members, so there is a lot of attention to input, processes and supporting our staff with a clear vision. To check out the full 2015 Board of Directors roster on our website, click here.
It is a very exciting time to be in a leadership role with Nonprofit Connect. Ideas imagined years ago have gained momentum, and there has been growth in every area of the organization: educational programs, staff and most importantly the benefits to members.
In 2014, the Nonprofit Connect board set our strategic direction for the near future by defining organizational objectives. We will expand our Career Center, explore innovative topics with our programming, and continue to amplify our nonprofit resources. We look to convene nonprofits, businesses and funders to share knowledge and foster unity and collective action. And we will expand our support of the sector by promoting the voice of local organizations on issues important to nonprofits. Ensuring the value of member benefits, enhancing member satisfaction and increasing diversity in our membership base will always be the underlying goal of our daily operations.
Peter Drucker taught that to achieve results we have to use all the available strengths, as these strengths are the true opportunities. "The unique purpose of an organization is to make strength productive," he wrote. Nonprofit Connect has the exceptional bounty of opportunities found in the strengths of our board, staff and members, and the unique purpose of the board is to build results. I believe that we have the vision of what we are capable of becoming as a membership organization and my goal as board president is to keep us loyal to that vision. Thank you for your part in our vision for the nonprofit community in Kansas City, and I can't wait to see what we will achieve together.
Bruce Scott
President, Nonprofit Connect Board of Directors