Virtual Volunteer Management Institute, Winter 2024
The Volunteer Management Institute (VMI) is an intensive certification program that provides training in the core concepts of volunteer management. The training offered as part of the program is designed to sharpen and develop the skills of anyone involved in the critical task of volunteer management for a nonprofit organization.
The five-session virtual workshop will be valuable for the novice volunteer manager just learning the ropes or the seasoned veteran wanting to refresh on the basics. Attendance at all sessions is required for certification.
Topics include:
- Developing a volunteer program
- Volunteer recruitment
- Volunteer training
- Volunteer support, supervision, and retention
- Volunteer motivation and recognition,
- Risk management
- Developing boundaries and managing conflict
- Communication
- Volunteer Management Institute (VMI) consists of five sessions from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM on the following days: February 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
- Each session includes nonprofit experts who bring hands-on, real-life experience to the topics.
- Sessions will be held virtually via Zoom. Attendance is limited to 24 participants.
- Participants must be Nonprofit Connect members.
- Participants must commit to attending all five sessions in full.
- Participation may be limited to one person per organization.
Cancellation/Program Policies:
No refunds will be processed within three business days of the program date. No-shows will be billed. Nonprofit Connect may take photographs, screenshots, or video recordings at public and virtual events, so we ask that you read our Privacy Policy for more information.
So that we can serve you better, we want to understand who is in the room. You will be asked two demographic questions as you register for this event. We will never share your individual information, and we will only report on demographics in aggregate. Do you have any questions or comments? Contact us at Programs:
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 1, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Five sessions, each from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM on the following days:
- Thursday, February 1st
- Thursday, February 8th
- Thursday, February 15th
- Thursday, February 22nd
- Thursday, February 29th
Your desk! Virtual Volunteer Management Institute access instructions are provided after registration.
Members Only
$450 per person
Note attendance may be limited to one participant per organization.
Not yet a member? Learn more.
Contact Information
AshleyMarie Marie, Director of Learning
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