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Volunteer Opportunities and Board Positions

We list volunteer opportunities and open board positions in the Kansas City region. Browse the list to find nonprofit organizations in need of individual and group volunteers, as well as skilled board members.

Instructions to Post
Log in to post your volunteer opportunity or board position.

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Pricing Structure
Nonprofit and Business members can post volunteer opportunities and board positions for free.

Individual members and nonmembers can submit their opportunities for $25 per week.

*If you are posting an open board position, make sure to select Board of Directors as your Category. Consider using our board position description template to make sure you provide the right information.

Seeking Orpheus KC Board Members

Offer Valid: 08/19/2024 - 12/31/2024
Help Orpheus KC build passionate and engaged opera audiences for today and the future!
Orpheus KC (OKC) is a volunteer supporting organization of Lyric Opera of Kansas City (LOKC) established for the purpose of building engaged and passionate opera audiences for today and the future. OKC goals include:

  • Promoting and supporting the growth of LOKC

  • Increasing public awareness of LOKC and the art of opera

  • Raising funds for LOKC

  • Supporting LOKC programming

Orpheus KC is seeking individuals with diverse backgrounds and a passion for the performing arts to serve on the board of directors. Candidates with experience in the areas of finance, strategic planning, fundraising, event planning, hospitality, marketing, education, community engagement, and communications are desired. We are currently seeking two officer positions in marketing and membership and four members at large.

An OKC Board member is eligible to serve two (2) consecutive two-year (2-year) terms. The board currently meets on the second Tuesday of each month and independently as necessary.

Expectations for board members:

  • Consider yourself culturally curious—no opera knowledge needed—or have a passion for the performing arts

  • ​Be committed to engaging Kansas City’s diverse communities

  • Be a member of Orpheus KC in good standing (annual individual membership of $42, see benefits here)

  • Attend monthly board meetings (in-person or remote)

  • Serve on one board committee

  • Attend at least one Lyric Opera performance or event quarterly (OKC members receive a discount on season tickets, and there are many free offerings!)

  • Actively participate in Orpheus KC activities and events (e.g. assist with the boutique on LOKC performance days, volunteer for fundraising and member events, etc.)

Orpheus KC’s leadership is comprised of a working board. Board members are expected to make personal contributions of time, talent, and—if possible—treasure.

Online applications can be submitted here.

Questions? Contact Drewbie Price, Orpheus KC President, via email at

This Volunteer Opportunity is promoted by Nonprofit Connect.

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