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Volunteer Board Banner DEI 1

Volunteer Opportunities and Board Positions

We list volunteer opportunities and open board positions in the Kansas City region. Browse the list to find nonprofit organizations in need of individual and group volunteers, as well as skilled board members.

Instructions to Post
Log in to post your volunteer opportunity or board position.

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Pricing Structure
Nonprofit and Business members can post volunteer opportunities and board positions for free.

Individual members and nonmembers can submit their opportunities for $25 per week.

*If you are posting an open board position, make sure to select Board of Directors as your Category. Consider using our board position description template to make sure you provide the right information.

NICE - iBuild Showcase

Offer Valid: 04/08/2025 - 04/08/2025
Building Careers. Building Communities.

The iBuild Showcase is an annual exposition, inviting metro area students to actively connect with construction and business-related trades, contractors, architects and engineering firms. While at iBuild, students and teachers participate in hands-on activities such as: Nail-driving contest, Bricklaying, Computer-aided drafting, Heavy equipment.

Many volunteers are needed for this event and we truly appreciate your time and effort to work with our young people through the iBuild Showcase. We need volunteers who are willing to act as judges for Institute for Shaping the Built Environment, Superintendents to monitor exhibitor stations, Bus volunteers to assist with loading and unloading activities, and volunteers to assist with miscellaneous efforts.

Judges orientation will begin at 7:30 a.m. and the judging of Institute for Shaping the Built Environment projects begins immediately thereafter.

Superintendents will be assigned to exhibit spaces across the event and will support exhibitors with student issues and monitor overall student safety.

Bus Greeters will meet the busses and guide the teachers and students to the registration table.

This Volunteer Opportunity is promoted by Nonprofit Connect.

Information posted has been provided by the named organization. Nonprofit Connect neither verifies nor endorses any organization or information posted, and we do not assume liability for opportunities offered. Nonprofit Connect reserves the right to remove any posting.