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Volunteer Opportunities and Board Positions

We list volunteer opportunities and open board positions in the Kansas City region. Browse the list to find nonprofit organizations in need of individual and group volunteers, as well as skilled board members.

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Pricing Structure
Nonprofit and Business members can post volunteer opportunities and board positions for free.

Individual members and nonmembers can submit their opportunities for $25 per week.

*If you are posting an open board position, make sure to select Board of Directors as your Category. Consider using our board position description template to make sure you provide the right information.

SevenDays® seeks Board Members

Offer Valid: 06/19/2024 - 07/31/2024
How does one choose Kindness, if they don't know what it is? We teach kindness and are seeking new board members to take us into our 11th year of doing so.

Organization Overview: The mission of SevenDays Inc.® is to overcome hate by promoting kindness and understanding through education and dialogue. We provide educational resources and leadership development centered around kindness to youth. We teach kindness. 

Board of Directors Overview: Our 15-member board is active. We provide hands-on assistance in the areas of mentoring youth, crafting fundraising appeals, drafting news releases associated with our mission, budgeting and accounting oversight, strategic planning and implementation, community outreach and attendance at government and public events as an ambassador of SevenDays® Inc. We are MORE than an advisory board. 

Seeking Individuals with Expertise In: 

  • Business Law 

  • Education 

  • Finance 

Preferred Affiliations: Affiliations with professional associations, other nonprofit organizations and faith-based organizations are encouraged. We promote a diverse board inclusive of various ages, genders, and faith (and non-faith) practices. 

Board Responsibilities: 

  • Provide governance, strategic counsel, fiduciary oversight, and act as a spokesperson for our organization. 

  • Serve on at least one committee of your choice. 

  • Be willing to leverage personal and professional connections to promote our SevenDays® Inc. mission. Actively participate in fundraising activities, including personal solicitation, special events, and donor cultivation.  

  • Serve a 2-year term with the option for a second 2-year term. 

  • Attend five virtual board meetings annually, with one additional in-person meeting at our office at 8500 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Merriam, KS. 

  • Meeting schedule: Second Tuesday of the month, 5:30 pm CT. 

  • Upcoming Meetings: July 9, September 10 (in-person & two hours), November 12, January 14 (starting in 2025), March 11, May 13, July 8, September 9 (in-person & two hours), November 11. 

  • Contribute financially to the best of your ability, such as becoming a monthly donor at $50.00 or sponsoring a table at our annual Kindness Breakfast. 

  • Achieve a 2-year certification of Sexual Abuse Awareness Training provided by an online training course via Ministry Safe♥. 

  • Understand and advocate for our mission in personal, family, and work communities. 

Insurance Coverage: Our organization carries Directors and Officers (D & O) liability insurance. 

How to Apply: Provide your interest in our mission and how your expertise aligns with our needs by submitting your application via this link. Submit your resume and note that you’ve completed the application to 

Application Deadline: July 1, 2024 

Note: ♥Our SevenDays® Inc. mission leads us to engage with youth of all ages. While our staff have a higher level of involvement with the youth than most board members, we request our board members attend and participate in a variety of our youth events, educational, and mentoring sessions. Therefore, we expect our board members to complete the valuable Sexual Abuse Awareness Training, paid for by SevenDays® Inc. prior to participating with our youth. We will accept a similar certification from another organization within the timeframe of your board membership. 


This Volunteer Opportunity is promoted by Nonprofit Connect.

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