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Bothner & Bradley


Associate/Business Member

About Us

What we do.

Every organization, community, cause or issue has a story. Let us help you find yours and more importantly tell it in a way that makes a difference to the people you want to reach.

Analyze and Plan
:: Facilitation – We know how to wield a flipchart and marker. Let us ask the questions that can help you come up with a plan.

:: Focus groups and interview – Our facilitation skills translate to audience research. Again, it's a matter of defining your audience, asking them questions and then listening to their answers (getting inside their heads). We can help you feed the information back to your planning process too.
:: Need to know what a lot of people think? We can help you identify the right questions and find the right resources for quantitative research as well.

:: Tactics – Here is where we help communicate messages and manage issues.
:: The tools? Media relations, Board relations, community relations. Letters, e-mails, direct mail flyers. Websites, blogs, databases. Depending on your needs, we will help you identify the best strategies to reach your target audience with the right message. The right story.

Measure results
:: Develop a process. Capture the stories. Make a difference. We can help.